UM Extension and Engagement Week — with events at all four UM System universities — showcases the impact of extension programming and university engagement on addressing our state’s grand challenges. We’re exploring big questions about the role of the engaged university in our state, society, and beyond. This year, the focus is on food.
Food is at the heart of our social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being. How we produce and consume food intersects with every pressing local to global challenge we face. With the resources, expertise and perspectives we each bring to the table, we must work toward a shared vision of an improved food system.
Since this topic is so big, we've expanded to include virtual pre-and post- event workshops in addition to activities and sessions the week of Oct. 10, which include both in-person and virtual options. The first virtual pre-conference session is Aug. 9 at 1 p.m. and will cover how productive working relationships between extension faculty and farmers affect production capacity and innovation on the farm.
Join us for All Things Food, as we explore how to provide vital nutrition and a healthy planet for all, now and for our future.